Alright! The big wheels are ready to roll south. We finished loading, testing everything, checking everything twice and, only a few minutes ago, I loaded and strapped down the motorcycle to the swivel wheel. All systems are GO!
Only the motorcycle to load.... |
Jeanette still has to clear out the refrigerator in the house but that will not take much effort. I'll run the vacuum and, with the house all tidied up, we'll be ready for tomorrow morning.
We handed the keys over to our house guardians......and the very last of stuff to leave the house will be our laptop computers and golf clubs. As with the motorcycle, they're a must on this - or any - trip!
L-R Courtney, Jeanette, Trevor, Easton, Ginette and Deni |
The morning began with our household waking up from a good night's sleep. Our entire family slept over. What a treat. Deni and Courtney's flight was late on arriving last evening, due to plane delays in Eastern Canada. A severe snow storm there meant that their aircraft could not leave its eastern airfield on time to arrive in Edmonton to collect them and other passengers. Their arrival was delayed by about 90 minutes or so.
We let Easton open the first present |
Easton was quick to fiddle with the wrapping paper and cardboard - so typical of little kids. He did like his new cell phone (toy) though.
It's a neat little gizmo that makes noise when the numbers are pushed. |
The others got involved too. Wrapping paper was shredded off the gifts and - customary in our home - our two kids (and now their spouses) throw the crushed paper at each other. Some habits are simply too tough to break.
Trevor was thrilled with this radio, iPod player, and tool battery charger combo. |
Deni liked his too. |
When I purchased these for the boys, I almost got one for my garage too....but, I resisted. The old boom box in the garage works well....and it simply has to do!
Easton went hunting for more presents and........ |
....he found this little John Deere beauty. |
When we stopped into the implement dealer, looking for one of these, the salesman was quick to ask which tractor would suit my needs. I pointed to Jeanette, who was in the kids' toy section, and he was pleasantly happy for us but disappointed that he would not get a nice 'big boy' tractor sale.
"Come on Mom....push faster....." |
Courtney's opened her gift...and now Ginette works on hers. |
So with good breakfast type foods ingested, presents opened, a few pots of coffee brewed, Courtney's mom showed up to collect Deni and Courtney to head over to more family dinner engagements.
Courtney's mom, Barb.....having some face time with Easton |
Once they had left our house, this early afternoon, Jeanette and I began taking care of the required work to clean up the house, get more laundry done, and complete hauling the final stuff to the 5th wheel. I retrieved the step ladder and removed all outdoor Christmas lights. They are back in their rightful storage place. Jeanette worked indoors to remove and store all Christmas decorations.
It's nearly 6:00 pm, as I approach the completion of writing this blog. Our home is only five minutes from the Canada/USA border and we plan to roll out early tomorrow morning. When the border crossing opens @ 8:00 am, we hope to be through customs in little time.
Easton's uncle Deni - Nice photo. Deni and Courtney fly off to Hawaii in a couple of days. |
So...we'll next post a blog from our resting place, south of the medicine line....more likely from northern Oregon. Looking forward to the journey.
Thanks for dropping by.