Friday, April 27, 2012

More of The Same.....+....Weekend Visitors!

It has been fairly routine around here these past few days.  With some breaks in the wet weather, I did manage to complete the install of soffits on the shed.
All set up to measure, cut and fit the soffits into the rails.
Back side completed
Measure twice....cut once!
To cut and fit the soffits takes little time.  Once the guide rails are cut and installed, it's a pretty quick job of cutting and fitting the vinyl soffits in place. 
Some would say, 'Why bother with soffits?"
Well, it's a simple answer.  If one wishes to prevent birds and bees (wasps too) from setting up home in the rafters, it's best to close everything off with soffits.  Plus, I like the finished look and would never be completely satisfied with the unfinished look.  
Ginette, with Easton, as she catches up with computer stuff.
Of course, our other primary activities have included visits with baby Easton. He's thriving! He's gaining weight! He's content!
Nana takes every advantage possible to cuddle the little fella.
He's sitting on my lap (on a baby pillow) and getting a good look around.
Easton out for a walk in his neighbourhood.
Ginette texted, with the photo above, as she and Easton took a stroll around the neighbourhood.  It was time for both to get out and take in some fresh the walk kept him sleepy.  I don't think he got much out of that walk but Ginette sure did.

Photo taken in Arizona
The iron horse was in need of a new windshield and that was accomplished this week.  I did not get any  photos of the dismantling and install but suffice it so say that it was a fairly straightforward job.  It's nice to see clearly through a new windscreen though.

Ready to roll....
We're looking forward to the arrival of our son and soon to be daughter in law this evening.  They are flying in for the weekend from Edmonton, Alberta.
Deni and Courtney
That sums up the news from around our little corner of the world.  Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Nice job on those soffits, your shed is looking pretty nice!

    I don't know who looks more content in the picture of Jeanette and Easton?

    Nice to see more pics of Easton and glad Ginette is able to resume some of her normal activities like walks and computer stuff.

  2. Your shed is outfitted better then most Southern Calif track homes, not many builders install soffits here. Nice job installing them. Good pictures of Easton. Nice to hear that you were having a weekend visit from your son and future daughter in law.
