Friday was our planned motorcycle ride to Yuma for a visit with my brother and his wife. Jeanette and I rode out of our Desert Hot Springs RV spot at 9:00 am. The weather was picture perfect - no wind, no rain, no dust.....and with rich blue skies!
We rode east on Dillon Road before turning south on Highway 86. Choosing to ride Highway 111 to Brawley - along the eastern shore of the Salton Sea - we were rewarded with very little traffic.
The Salton Sea | |
Highway 111 is in very good condition. For the most part, it is a well paved, two lane road, offering good views. There was a slight breeze from the west that cooled the air a tiny bit, along the shoreline. It was refreshing.
Weekend boon dockers on the sand dunes west of Yuma, AZ. |
I-8, between Yuma and San Diego, was quite busy with weekend traffic. We joined the Interstate, just east of El Centro, for the final leg into Yuma. The sand dunes area - a popular recreational area for dune buggies and quads - was showing signs of increased activity.
A major canal that diverts Colorado River water to southern California. |
The vegetable farming lands, prevalent in this area, were very green.
Rolling into Bernie and Rita's winter home in the Country Roads RV Resort - Yuma, AZ. |
By 12:12 pm, we rolled into Bernie and Rita's place. It was a gorgeous day there and we nestled ourselves under cover, in the shade, to enjoy a nice lunch prepared by Rita.
Bernie and Rita will be closing up their winter home around the 6th of April before they head back for home in Alberta. |
Our four hour visit went by quickly; too quickly. By 4:00 pm, we saddled up for the return ride back to Desert Hot Springs. We prefer to ride by day and our choice to leave when we did had us back at our site by 7:20 pm, just as nightfall hit the hills in the Palm Springs, CA area.
Enjoying a nice visit. |
Another view of the sand dunes on our return motorcycle ride along I-8 west. |
Choosing to ride back on route 111 proved fruitful. The late afternoon sun lit the Chocolate Mountains, to the east, with amazing shadows. One doesn't tire easily of the views in this area.
Great view. |
A fading evening sun adds a red richness to the landscape. |
Back in our site, it was not long before Jeanette and I donned our swim wear and headed for the pool. Several minutes of soaking in one of the four natural hot springs pools was relief from a great day on the motorcycle. Once showered, we walked back to our site and tapped in to one of our Canadian all news channels to see what had happened in the world while we were away.
A beautiful Saturday. |
Saturday was a 'stay at home one' - other than taking our truck into a local Ford dealer in Cathedral City for a planned oil and filter change. By 7:30 am, I drove out to the Quick Lube service bays at Palm Springs Ford and, within minutes, our truck was being serviced. That was followed with it being taken to a wash bay for a free wash and detail. What service! This is a first class operation.
While at the Ford dealer, Ginette 'Face Timed' me and I was so pleasantly surprised to see our newest grandchild, Brie (40 days old), having a nice sleep while her mother spoke with me. Easton was out for a walk with his dad but he did return home and I was able to spend some nice time with him too. By reversing the camera on our iPad, he was able to see our truck in the service bay and was quick to point out that it was his Grand Papa's truck. That was a nice 'Face Time' visit had. We fully intend to be back for Easton's 2nd birthday this April 10th. Looking forward to that!
The man-made lake at our resort - Sam's Spa and RV Resort, Desert Hot Springs. |
Back at our site, I completed three primary items on my 'to do' list while Jeanette got the laundry done. I also detailed the inside of our truck and cleaned the motorcycle. By mid-afternoon, we were free to go for a nice walk.
One of the several waterfalls this RV park offers its guests. |
With our walk done, we found ourselves at the spa area and we splurged on two soft ice cream cones offered up in the spa store. With cones in hand, we made our way to the little lake to watch the waterfowl and numerous birds that call this place home. As usual, when the fish see anyone walking nearby, they all swim over for anticipated treats.
This fella is patiently waiting for a nice fish treat to swim by. We watched him gulp down a small fish. |
It was a pleasant time spent in the spa area but the pools were overly busy with families enjoying the 'spring break'. With so many people around, we choose to wait till evening before using the facilities. By then, everyone is holed up indoors watching TV and the resort facilities sit idle waiting for us.
Mr. Turtle caught swimming amongst the fish. |
"Here fishy, fishy, fishy......!" |
Hector and Diane had been away on an overnight visit with friends and had returned, as planned, for an evening barbecue dinner at our site. It was a splendid evening outdoors, enjoying good food, as the sun was setting over Mount San Jacinto. By 8:30 pm, they headed back to their site and, after cleaning up, we settled in for a nice evening.
A perfect evening for outdoor dining. |
The wind reared its ugly head again, during the night, and, by 5:00 am, I was up and about. I went outdoors for a walk in the dark and found myself picking stuff up and returning it to the nearby sites I thought the stuff had been blown from. Several families are camped in tents and most of those did not fare well in the strong Santa Anna winds. I'm sure there will be some tired campers today.
Yesterday, Mike - one of the gracious hosts here at Sam's Spa and RV Resort - remarked how the Santa Anna winds - more prevalent at this time of the year - were stronger than normal. That said, the winds are warm. They come and they go.
This RV park is quickly losing its winter clientele. With our departure this coming Tuesday - and more leaving daily - it won't be long now before the park is ghost like. More than half the available sites are vacant.
As I am about to post this blog, the wind is showing signs of abating somewhat. That bodes well for another nice desert day here in southwestern California.
That covers it from here for now. Thanks for dropping in.