Our motorcycle ride to our son in law's family cabin at Barriere Lake took six hours. We left last Tuesday morning - loaded to the gunnels - in fine summer weather. East Barriere Lake, where the cabin is, requires a 70km ride north of Kamloops, on Highway #5, then east through the town for a good 30 minutes on paved and unpaved roads.
Approaching the snow shed, heading north on the Coquihalla Highway 5 towards Kamloops, BC |
Traffic was light on the Trans Canada Highway 1, and again on Highway 5 north (The Coquihalla Highway). Weather was perfect.
Nothing but blue skies! |
We stopped for fuel (gas and lunch) then proceeded on Highway 5A (the old route to Kamloops from Merritt, BC) along Nicola Lake. There is an old Inn, operated by the third generation family of the original owners, called the Quilchena Inn. After a brief break there, we continue north on the two lane highway and into the city of Kamloops.
Just north from here is the famous Douglas Lake Ranch. It is a large cow/calf operation with its own town, numerous cowboys who ride the range and herd the cattle. The ranch is a big provider of jobs in the area.
Numerous lakes dot the landscape along Highway 5A - (The Nicola Trail) |
Although the city of Kamloops is a nice place - with a sizable population - we rode through without taking any photos. Kamloops is the cross point to continue heading east on the Trans Canada Highway #1 towards Calgary, Alberta, or heading north on Highway 5 towards Jasper, Alberta. North on Highway 5 was our route for the town of Barriere.
The beautiful, aqua coloured, Thompson River. |
About 90 minutes north from Kamloops we had arrived at the cabin at East Barriere Lake.
The dock below...with most inviting waters.... was desired following our six + hour ride. |
The Barriere Lakes consist of three bodies; North Barriere, South Barriere and East Barriere (where we were).
Nestled in the mountains, this lake is quite warm and very clear. |
It didn't take long before we had changed into swimsuits before heading out for some boating, tubing and kayaking.
Son in law, Trevor, took us out for a lake tour. We've been here numerous times now and it's always nice to boat around and enjoy the sights. |
Several cabins dot the lakeside but they are not invasive. Most of the lake shore is not suitable for cabin development. That's a blessing. |
We were there to spend three days of R&R with our daughter Ginette, SIN Trevor, grandson Easton and Trevor's mom Sandi.
Nothing better than 'face time' with Easton. He's better than four months old and his personality is developing very nicely. We were looking forward to spending time with him....and that we did! |
His Nana, Jeanette, bundled him up early Wednesday morning and took him down to the lake shore for some quiet time to observe and listen to the lapping waters. His parents were still sleeping. Sure is nice to have grandparents along to give them a good break....and a needed rest. |
He's quick to smile now....and enjoys lively environments. |
Easton is enjoying his very own personal pool at the edge of the dock on the lake. Trevor watches from behind as his mom, Sandi, plays Nan to her little grandson. The cute hat keeps the harsh sun off his head. He enjoyed the cool lake water and had fun splashing water everywhere. |
We enjoyed our own R&R - reading, relaxing by the water's edge, enjoying lovely meals with a great view and family, and taking in the pretty spectacular sunsets too.
This was our view while enjoying a lovely late evening dinner on the cabin deck. |
Easton was enjoying his time too.....and he was well stimulated in this new environment! |
My favourite time - very early morning with coffee in hand, a good book, and a calm lake with no noise. |
A few of the cabins/docks that dot the shoreline. |
Dockside view of the cabin. |
Once Jeanette was up and had secured her coffee and breakfast, we headed out for a two hour kayak trip. The conditions were perfect.
Pushing off. |
Rocky shoreline on the north side. |
We're directly across the lake cabin. Time to head across the lake and back to Terra Firma. |
A fun time...and good exercise to booth. |
Nan, Sandi, is feeding Easton while we prepare to take Jeanette and Ginette out for some tubing. |
Great fun! Daughter (L) Mother (R)...trying to dump each other off the tubes. |
Once the two girls had had enough of tubing, it was Trevor's turn to wake board behind the boat. He's quite good at this and managed to hang on well in spite of my attempts to dump him.
Well done Trevor! |
Sheesh, I recall when I used to water ski! Not anymore though! Not because I don't like it or want to! I was an excellent water and snow skier. Years ago I was water skiing when I hit something while on a slalom ski and dislocated my left hip. The pain was so intense, the hospital too far away, and after an emergency setting of the hip, I spent the entire summer (all 10 weeks of it) lying on a hospital bed and in traction. No fun!!!! That is what I never wish to experience again. I can still tube though.
Early Thursday morning. |
As with all good things in life, these fun things do end. We had to head back for home. We had a great time with Easton and family. Our kids are staying at the cabin till Sunday.
Mid-Thursday afternoon - ready to leave for the 5.5 hour ride back home. |
The drive out from the cabin is quite steep. I rode up without Jeanette. She had to hike up the road....not far...but a short, little hike nonetheless. We headed back westward to the town of Barriere before heading south on Highway 5.
Really smooth -non paved road - that we had to endure for about 20 minutes. |
About 2.5 hours later - following one break and then another break for fuel, we stopped at the Quilchena Inn for a good break. I watched some golfers playing the small, nine hole, golf course while looking up above in the high hills and remembering the numerous rounds played, these past three years, on the PGA rated private Sagebrush Golf Course. Sagebrush is one tough golf course....but what a treat to have played it with PGA Golf Pro, Dick Zokol. He is now retired from the tour and the last bit of news had him working at 'The Bear Golf and Country Club" in Kelowna, BC. Any 'Bear' course is designed by the world famous Jack Nicklaus.
Jack Nicklaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We're mere minutes from the City of Merritt where we'll re-join the Coquihalla Highway heading south towards the coast. |
Back home means getting back to work to complete the renovations we've undertaken of late. More on that in a future blog.
I meant to write earlier but ended up with the flu (not having had one in several years). That set me back for over 36 hours. It was wicked! I'm on the mend though....but I had to give up my Friday golf round on the new Pagoda Ridge Golf Course that just opened in North Langley. It is very close to our home. My golfing partners made good on it though....based on their emails. As luck would have it, our regular men's golf group has chosen Pagoda Ridge GC as our course for play this coming week. Yeah for that!
Pagoda Ridge Golf Course
Well that warps up this episode of the RV Voyageurs. It's been a great summer of fun. No complaints! We've accomplished a fair bit of work too. The balance has been really fair.
Thanks for dropping by.