Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Truly Pleasant First Day of 2013

Although we did not waste the entire New Year's evening reigning in the new year, we still opted to spend an extra day here at Durango RV Resort in Red Bluff, CA.  Why?  We relaxed in the sun, finagled a few little things on our 5th wheel, including replacing the water filter, fixing a slide runner and moving things around.  Nothing major....but it was a relaxed day nonetheless....with a bit of work thrown in for good measure.  Jeanette and I also took a long walk around the area....and later, I took another walk alone.  Sure was lovely to be in the sunshine.
Hector and I are watching - and  listening to - the motorcycle running.  I never know when Jeanette could be skulking a photo when I am completely unaware!
I could not wait to start up the motorcycle and hear it running.  It fired up instantly.  Yea!  I had worried that the battery - about five years old now - was showing its age.  Although the bike roared quickly to life, I do sense that the time is soon coming to replace the battery.
We unhitched and drove into the town of Red Bluff, CA.  It is an old town...and with little sign of growth.
Following a brief stop to purchase a few fresh vegetables, we topped up the diesel tank and returned back to the RV park to prepare for dinner at Hector and Diane's rig.  We hosted last evening and they reciprocated this evening.  The food was oh....so.....good!
Chef Hector was masterminding the barbecue....
....while I was lending support and taking photos.
These steaks were great!
Combined with Diane's salad, baked potatoes and mushrooms, it was a fitting meal to enjoy on the first full day of 2013.
Chico, their Portuguese Water Dog, is (as I've blogged about before) a most amazingly wonderful dog.  I just love to watch him run.    (Special note to Nestor:  Chico says hi and he really misses the treats!!)
Jeanette, the little softy, also loves Chico and she went out of her way to purchase some special doggy treats for him.  He is quick to come over to visit when Hector is not keeping watch.  He knows he'll find a treat if he lets his big eyes contact Jeanette's.  This is the same breed of dog the Obama's (Yes, the POTUS) adopted and took into the White House.  Great breed!

We have never had a dog as a pet.  Cats?  Yes!  Jeanette is a true cat lover.  We have had three Maine Coon purebred cats. I was not a cat kind of guy but I grew to really like that breed.   Knowing Chico as we do makes enjoying a dog a real treat.
Yum, yum, yum!
By 8:00 pm, we headed back to our fiver to complete this blog, settle in for the evening, watch a movie and ready for our travels further down the I-5 tomorrow.
Final photo on the return trip to our 5th wheel.

Thanks for dropping by.


  1. cat or dog lovers, animal lovers all the same! Chico is a cute one that is for sure!..glad the two of you enjoyed your New Year's eve! Safe travels to you tomorrow!

  2. I was wondering about Chico--glad you updated us!
