Today is our family get together to celebrate
'Christmas in November'. Deni and Courtney are here on the coast, from Edmonton, Alberta, and Courtney's family and ours will share a Christmas dinner today at our home. With their first child's birth expected on or about the 2nd of January, 2014, this was Courtney and Deni's last opportunity to visit with family.
Jeanette is multitasking on the phone while in the depths of food prep. |
We will be ten around the table this late afternoon. Jeanette (more than me) has been very busy with food preparation and getting her table and Christmas decorations (presents too) ready.
Ten around the table - later today. |
Jeanette chose the Palm Christmas tree over the traditional one. Presents under the tree are more focused to the new grand kids to be and for our grandson, Easton. |
Jeanette's creative work. |
While she was busy getting her home, food stuffs and decor in order, I got busy with some important stuff to advance our preparations to leave for the US southwest this coming Thursday. Oh....but.....I did vacuum the house.....!
The Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad is returning to the US southwest with us this winter. It needed a fresh oil change....and that's what I got busy with yesterday. |
The Harley Davidson is now clean, detailed and covered for its winter hibernation. After rolling 16,000 KM, this past summer, it will get to rest during the winter months. |
Our tire pro monitoring system will be installed on the truck and 5th wheel in the next day or so. We opted to install this system last winter after suffering a severe tire blowout. This system sounds a warning and also isolates the troubled tire from inside our truck cab. I was convinced of the merits of this system from talking with RVers and long distance truckers who swear by them. If it can prevent another explosive tire blow out..., it's worth it to us. |
Our tow vehicle is nicely washed....and ready to get dirty on the route south. |
Our Nissan is also nice and clean and ready to be parked in the garage. |
Tomorrow, the 5th wheel will be pulled forward from its resting place behind locked gates. Once opened up, we'll begin the 'move in' process and complete all the necessary road checks such as tire pressure balancing, etc.
Easton is having fun playing with leaves in the water on the sidewalk. |
Easton came around a few times, these past several days. He always wants to go for walks and is especially attracted to fallen leaves. Fun to watch.
"Hey Nana......this is a comfy rock to sit on! Can we take it to your house?" |
Watching cartoons - on line - Easton was captivated by 'Incy Wincy Spider' and, once outdoors, he found one of our downspouts and chose to check to see if
'an incy wincy spider went up the water spout.' Always interesting to see how much his little mind absorbs stuff.
Being such a curious little fella is what's the most fun to observe when spending time with Easton. |
I did get to watch a bit of the PGA golf between outdoor assignments. |
I compiled and burned a couple of Christmas CD's to play in our CD player today. |
Anticipating our departure for the US southwest, I also backed up the high volume of photos from our laptop to our external hard drive. more important job done.
Photos backed up onto an external hard drive. |
That kind of paints the canvas of our past few days. The house will get busy and noisier in the next few hours. And what's not to like about that?
Thanks for dropping by.
Have a Merry Christmas and travel safe on your journey south.
ReplyDeleteI was kind of looking forward to trading rides with you for that new Harley but I guess it will have to wait until we get to BC sometime.
Hope your early celebration was a good one. In the photo of Easton sitting on the rock, he looks a lot like you.
ReplyDeleteMerry Early Christmas, and sure sounds like you are getting ready to travel!
ReplyDeleteYou're not taking the Harley South !!??? Shame on you !! haha
ReplyDeleteI'd be interested to know which tire monitoring system you went with as there are several out there. I've been thinking about adding that to my rig this year.
Only 4 more sleeps.
ReplyDeleteWe purchased the Tire Safeguard Pressure Monitoring System. I can't say with certainty that it is better than the others out there but it came highly recommended by experienced users.
Jeanette did a wonderful job on her Christmas decorations and I'm sure the dinner she prepared was even better.
ReplyDeleteIt's fun to see photos of Easton exploring all the new things in his world - lucky little guy gets 2 Christmas' this year!
Here's hoping that new tire pressure monitoring system does the job and keeps you safe on your travels this year.